If you are in immediate danger, please call 911.
All services provided by First Step are free.
Call us
We understand that every person's experience is unique. The more we know, the more we can help. Our trained staff can guide you through the best options for your situation.
Or we can just listen. Call us toll-free.
- 24-hour help line:
(734) 722-6800
- 24-hour on-call assault response team
- Temporary emergency housing
- Safety planning
- Support groups
- Counseling
- Legal, financial, medical and housing information
- Transitional supportive housing
- Community organizing
- Education awareness and risk reduction programs
- In-service trainings on domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, etc.
- Children’s counseling & support groups
- Men’s Support group
Click for more info about our programs and services.
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Are you feeling unsafe?
There are things you can do to prepare to leave a dangerous situation.
Click Here